I have fully accomplished a life long dream, and it is far more amazing than I ever could have imagined. All my life all I have ever wanted to do was write books for people to read. My friends and family have always encouraged me, but like most I am my own biggest ctitic. I put it off, even stopped writing for a long time, but not anymore!

Losing Connor is officially out there in the world. Available on Kindle, Nook and in paperback. I couldn't be more thrilled.
There are few things in my life that I think I do well, I make a good lasagna, my kids are adorable and I love helping people, but now I can add author to that list. Am I good at it? I will probably never think so, but my friends and unbiased group of beta readers seem to think so, I guess only time will actually tell!
So if you have a dream, keep going for it! Reach for the stars and beyond. One day it will be in the palm of your hand, and it will be amazing.

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